Wednesday 24 October 2012


Here you have a bit more about Katalina...

This year Katalina is working with us at the school, she´s been doing these days her presentation, click if you want to know more about her.
 (Aquí tendes un chisquiño máis de Katalina...
 Este ano temos traballando connosco na escola a Katalina, ela está a facer estes días a súa presentación, fai click se queres saber máis sobre ela)

Sunday 21 October 2012

Sunday 14 October 2012

BIG and little. 3 year class.

  In caterpillar´s class we´re going to learn the differences between BIG and little  or LARGE and small... if you want you can watch this video... hope you enjoy it!

Na clase das caterpillars imos aprender as diferencias entre grande e queredes podedes ver este vídeo...espero que vos guste!