Sunday 29 March 2020

Paula`s superheroine. 5th Primary

Paula is sending us her improved description from home. Watch it and the visual support below and write in your notebook some comments about her second presentation and things to improve. Is this one better than the other? why? Tradución para pais: Paula mándanos a súa descrición mellorada dende a casa. Mirádea e o apoio visual máis abaixo e escribide na vosa libreta algún comentario acerca desta segunda descrición e cousas que pode mellorar. É esta mellor que a outra? Por que?

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion this presentation is better than the class' one because she looks more confident at home and in the class she was more nervous.

    Two things that I really enjoyed of this presentation are: Paula uses simple sentences and she uses connectors.
